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Unit 1: Computers and the Internet

About this unit

Learn the basics of how computers and the Internet work in these videos from our friends at Code.org.

Thanks to our partners at Code.org, you can learn how computers work - everything from what makes something a computer in the first place, how computers use electrical circuits to store and process information, and the ways hardware and software work together.
The Internet is part of nearly everything we do on a daily basis. But do you know how it all works? From WiFi to IP addresses to HTML to keeping information safe online, there’s a lot of important stuff going on that most of us don’t have the opportunity to learn more about. In six short, introductory videos, you’ll get an inside look into foundational concepts of everything from wires to websites, taught by guest lecturers including the actual “Father of the Internet” Vint Cerf, Tumblr founder David Karp, and creators on teams at Google, Spotify, XBox, Symantec, and more.